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Learn how to purchase, download, read, and enjoy books by Eldo St. David. 

Q:  "Do I need  a Kindle in order to enjoy the ebooks of Eldo St. David?"

A:  Nope. You need one of the following: PC, Mac, iPad, Kindle, Android tablet, Android phone, iPhone, iPod. 

Q:  "Any truth to the rumor that there will be a 'Tickle Me Eldo' doll out this Christmas?"

A:  It's very hush-hush at this point. 

Q:  "I understand Eldo St. David writes e-books and singles, but I don't have a special reading device.  How do I get the latest stuff by Eldo St. David?"

A:  1) Click the "Buy Now"  or "Buy It" links on this website.  (Or go directly to the famous website for buying stuff online and look up by author name or book title. When you see what you are looking for, click on it). 

      2) At the purchase site, find a green box to the right of the page containing:  

         a) a window for available devices currently identified with you (if any);

         b) a link to "How Buying Works" for an explanation of the process;

         c) a link for, "Available on your....." (this will match the device you're using).

      3) If you've never bought one of these types of books before from that famous website, click on the "Available..." link in order to download FREE software that will allow you to download and read the book on your device of choice--whether that device is from the company with the name of a Brazilian river, or the company with the name of a fruit, or is a PC (desktop or laptop), or is a smartphone or tablet.

       4) Enjoy! 

       5) Repeat  

Q:  "I'm not used to such slick, fast-paced narrative changes in time and space as my friends tell me I will encounter in The Boundary Wall at Kana'aho and Amazing Offers. Will diving right into this book give me motion sickness?  And will the nearly endless, unexpected humorous twists pose any long-term threats to my health? 

A: Under advice of counsel, Mr. St. David cannot take responsibility for any uncontrollable fits of laughter you might experience while reading his books and short stories. He advises his readers not to drink while diving into any of his darkly humorous, edgy works. Specifically, the danger will be unpredictable and embarrassing nose spouts which may cause your electronic reading device to short-circuit.  Non-drinking-related snorts and assorted loud guffaws are probably unavoidable while reading his stuff, however, so be prepared with excuses in case your reactions to writing cause others in the vicinity to stare at you in mild disgust. A useful phrase for quickly turning their negative attentions into sympathy is, "These darned allergies just won't leave me alone!" You might, therefore want to have a hanky readily available, for effect. 

Q: "If I don't find Mr. St. David's writing humorous, can I get my money back?"

A:  Now that's funny! 

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